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Der australische Teacher on the Road zu Besuch an der SMS · 14. Januar 2021

5 Klassen von Klasse 7 bis 11 hatten das Glück mit unserem Gast Thilo Pulch je eine Schulstunde zum Thema Lifestyle and Christmas in Australia zu erleben.

Hier sind die Berichte von zwei Klassen:

Klasse 7c

Am 4. Dezember kam Thilo Pulch, ein Lehrer aus Australien der durch deutsche Schulen reist, zu Besuch.
Es war sehr interessant wie Mr. Pulch mit uns geredet hat, da er ausschließlich Englisch mit uns sprach. Als er uns etwas über australische Weihnachtstraditionen erzählte, waren wir erstaunt, wie viel dort doch anders ist als wir dachten. Es gibt dort z.B. surfende Weihnachtsmänner und die Kinder bauen Sandmänner statt Schneemänner am Strand.
Es war eine ganz besondere Englischstunde!

Annina P. und Clara H., Klasse 7c

Klasse 10d

The school had a visit from an actual Australian today.
Since the only information given to us was that somebody from Australia would come and teach us about his hometown and the country he comes from, all of us were curious what the day would look like.
Against the expectations of most of our classmates, who thought that we would just listen to a dull presentation, we actually had a great conversation in class. We learned and talked a lot about Australia by, for example, matching pictures form typical scenes of Australian life with texts that described Australia.
I really enjoyed very much talking with a native speaker and I truly believe that everyone learned a lot. Later on during the school day, the “Australian” was still the number one conversation topic in our class.
As I’m speaking, or rather writing, I, in the name of our class, would like to thank not just the Australian for coming to our school but also the teachers who gave us this chance to meet a native speaker from Australia.

Anna W., Klasse 10d

Klasse 8c

First of all, we want to say “thank you.“ It was very nice of you to come to our school and talk to the students. We really appreciate it and want to give you a little feedback.

It was really impressive to see photos of a street in Australia during the Christmas time. It’s so colourful and also a bit irritating, but that is exactly what makes it special and really cool. Before we saw it, we couldn’t have imagined what it would look like when people celebrate Christmas in the summer. That people there are able to be in a Christmas mood although it’s summer (when it’s hot and you can’t do things you would do in Germany, like building a snowman etc.) impressed and surprised us too. We think it would be a completely different experience and feeling to celebrate Christmas in Australia, but it would also be great!

We also learnt many things about Australia, but the most important thing was that we don’t need to be ashamed of our English. Your visit was a great opportunity for us to use the English we learned at school.

The last thing that really stayed in our minds is the lifestyle there. So many different people live there, but they all stick together which, unfortunately, is not that way everywhere. They set a really good example for everyone.

So, to make it short and simple: We really enjoyed your visit and we learned a lot of things.

Best wishes

Lara B., Leora D., Aurelia, L. Franziska Sch., 8c



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